Casa Delle Agriculture
Animalia Mundi Lab
We started the Lab on april 10th 2018 in Castiglione d'Otranto in Italy, the Lab was planned as a two week project in collaboration with Luigi Coppola from Scuola di Agriculture and members from Casa della Agricultura and curator Alessandra Pomarico from Free Home University. Together with 18 students from Konstfack, University of Design, Art and Craft in Stockholm, we lived, learned and worked side by side during two weeks together with members of Casa and Scuola di Agriculture, local scholars, architects, newcomers and refugees, farmers, students and shepherds. The project was a collective and hands-on learning, leading to the restoration of an old stable and the building of a shelter for the hens, sheep and donkeys with local materials and building techniques using calce canapé (hemp and limestone) and cane (local bamboo). Fostering the regeneration of the surrounding area where the newly built common mill was inaugurated during the summer. The whole initiative worked as a start for common reflection on the human - nonhuman animal relations and continued through different projects during the summer.
Konstfack - First year Interior Architecture & Furniture Design Students
Casa Delle Agriculture
Free Home University